Tuesday, December 15, 2009

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

I was diagnosed with this this morning. I had a pulmonary test done Oct. 5th and just got the results. Only because i called yesterday to make an appointment for my sinus infection and i asked about the results. She said she would put a note in my folder for Friday i would find out then, well they called me today to give me the results (2mos. later) and to let me know there's a prescription at the Pharmacy for Proventil , it's an inhaler.

The term COPD includes 2 main conditions-emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis. Most people who have COPD have both. COPD developes slowly. Symptoms often worsen over time and can limit your ability to do routine activities. Severe COPD may prevent you from doing even basic activities like walking, cooking, or taking care of yourself. (that sounds like me) WOW!!! There is no cure yet, and doctors don't know how to reverse the damage to the airways and lungs. What a bummer!

My dad had both symptoms and he died from emphysema in 2003.
I'm sitting here typing this and it's hard to breath, my chest is tight i'm shaking a little bit it's really scary to know whts going to happen. I've already had to panic attacks today just thinking about it. Thank God for my sisters. I call them up and they talk me through it.

When i go to the doctor on friday i will find out about my other test i had done on Oct. 7th. It was a Sonogram of my heart. I think they just forgot to call me to let me know. Let's hope everythings ok with my heart and arterys.

Well i think that's about all for now

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

One hour and 15 minutes left of my birthday. I didn't do anything just stayed at home nothing special. My sister came by at lunch time brought me fast food. My brother gave me $20, my niece Evelyn called me from Minnesota, 2 other sisters, a brother and his daughter called me. Kept waiting for another niece to call (Mandy) but she never did, she did leave a message on Facebook Woo Hoo! She finally showed up with my gift. She got me a blender I know *A BLENDER* yes and i love it . It's a Hamilton Beach Single-Serve Blender just perfect for me. It's for my Herbalife Shake Diet 2 shakes a day. Well thats it for this birthday hope to be here for the next one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No more camera

Well i dropped and broke my camera and i am "LOST" without it. There's this little wren that keeps coming on my porch just a chirpping away for food so i feed it. Can't even take a picture of it oh well some day i will. I was taking a picture of my nephew w/ the cowboy hat and horse on a stick that i bought him. The hat blew away i went after it picked it up and well you know what happened. I miss my camera i'll have to save for another one. Here's some pics of  Dallas. This happened last Monday evening 11-2

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Results from blood test

I went to my Dr. on Friday they took 7 tubes of  blood "ouch". The nurse called Mon. wanted me to come in on Tues. so i went haha!. The dr. walks in throws her arm in the air and says "If you were a kid you would have rickets, do you remember rickets from way back". Then she throws her arm back again and i said yes. She said you have know Vitamin D in your body. She also told me i was in Menopause WOOHOO!!! no more periods doesn't matter i haven't had one for 5 or 6 yrs anyway. She gave me 6 prescriptions ugh! Well that's my life for a couple of days.             See Ya!!!

Eye Doctor (The Unknown)

I went to the eye Dr. on Monday did not like it at all. They diolated my eyes, and i didn't know they were going to do that (the unknown). Don't like the unknown. My blood pressure was 159/whatever, heart racing, arms/legs shaking, legs are like jello, couldn't breath "ANXIETY". I had to sit with eyes closed in a dark room for 15 min. I had to sit in the hall cuz they needed the room. The Dr. got smart saying that i'm not border line diabetic, my Dr. told me i was this dr. told me to stop telling people that i am because i'm not. I had blood test done in march my # was 5.9 thats borderline at least that's what i was told. Let's just say i will not go back to him. I've still got the yellow die around my eyes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Mechanicsburg Cemetery - Mechanicsburg, Illinois
Grandma and Grandpa Ross

Great Grandpa Duncan Ross
Aunt Dody and Uncle George
